New Product Development


Move the world forward through new products and technology

Turning new product and technology ideas into reality and rich intellectual property is what we do at Virtuo. Whether you have a new idea or have a technical problem to solve, you need an experienced and agile product development team, critical thinking, and a robust proven process to make it a reality.

While new ideas can ultimately be powerful, we understand that profound ones often begin as fragile barely formed thoughts that can be easily missed. Effective product development helps move early thoughts and barely formed ideas into crystalline concepts, and real tangible mas- producible solutions rich in intellectual property.

/ Our Approach

We put world-class design and development into your team and project, working as an extension of your own team. For startups this means we are your core engine room. For established companies and multi-nationals, we operate as your internal development engine for bold future opportunities or those core next developments that need to get to market fast. Our product development company brings a wide range of skills and capabilities to your project, and our process is deeply user centered and technically detailed.

We focus all of our efforts and capabilities on getting to the right idea from a sea of possibilities, then we focus on getting that right idea - right and ready for market. This first mode is generative and explorative. The second is evaluative and geared to verify, validate and realise. As product developers, we treat this process of creativity with genuine honesty and respect because we know first hand that many things that need to virtuously come together to turn ideas into reality.

/ Insight Capabilities

Industrial Design

Industrial design is a user focused (human centred) discipline that combines the function and aesthetics of a product or technology. Industrial design creates products that are durable, effective in purpose, and beautiful in appearance.

Advanced Materials

Our experience span numerous materials from structural metals, alloys, ceramics, composites, polymers, natural fibres and bio-materials. Work with these materials has exposed us to a very broad range of advanced manufacturing methods.

Computer-Aided Design & 3D CAD Systems

Speed is an important development consideration in any project. At Virtuo, we use advanced 2D and 3D design tools and systems to design, develop and prototype new ideas rapidly. These tools also assist in aid in analysis, optimisation, and production process of new products.

Testing, Simulation & Analysis

Testing and analysis is an important part of the product development to create stable, robust, durable and safe products. We use a range of testing and analysis tools, to develop new technologies while identifing the impact and potential risks associated with a new product.

Visualisation, Renderings & Animation

Visualisaing new ideas is a core skill in product development. At Virtuo, we use renderings and animations to explore new ideas and communicate possibilities. These devices are often used to create early marketing content, sales brochures and product spec sheets.

Mechanical Electronic Control Systems

Forming clear actionable recommendations from research that can drive growth is the core purpose. We distil research observations, data, and insights into crystalline action that your team can implement. Our work has created significant value for our clients across many markets and industries.

Rapid Prototyping & Testing

Rapid prototyping is an agile strategy used to create mockups, physical models and test rigs to explore and test physical features and attributes of new product and technology ideas, like function (works like) and aesthetic (looks like) prototypes. Rapid prototyping helps speed up and accelerate development.

Design for Manufacture & Assembly

Designing for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFM or DFMA) is a critical part of the development cycle to optimize a design for effective manufactue and assembly. We support you with production tooling, manufacturing partner selection, contract manufacturing and Quality Management Systems.

/ Relevant Work

Helmet Project

An inspiring helmet project coming soon…


Re-imagining an icon, the first in-molded cleated performance football and rugby boot, helping propel this original genuine innovation into the future.

See Project